
Mini Update


不知不覺我在澳洲也一個月多了。漸漸地適應了這裡的一切, 也漸漸地享受一個人生活的日子。半個學期過去了,剛從旅行回來,也該是時候收拾心情,繼續衝刺了。感覺好久沒有好好的為考試而複習功課了。天啊 希望這星期五的小考一切順利吧!

我遲點再更新凱恩斯的旅途喔 ;)


Aloha! 好久没写部落了 大家过得还好吗 (明明就没有人在逛这里 哈哈)想说其实有好多东西想写 可是因为我的电脑N键坏了 真的很不方便 所以很无奈 今天突然上来 (对 我是在用手机啊) 我也不知道为什么 就就其实我明天还有考试呢 我天 先别说整年 就说说最近吧 这个学期真的真的超hectic的 还真是我第一次担心自己可能会fail掉一些科目 希望不要啊 我可不要再回来了 最近觉得自己记忆力好像好差 然后也弄不见好多东西 最可恶的是竟然想也想不起自己把那东西放在哪 呼呼 最心痛的事我把我的项链给弄丢了 妈妈真的很生气 因为光光那条链就已经不便宜了 我也觉得很伤心很心痛 现在我脖子光光了 真的有种很奇怪的感觉 谁要送我一条项链啊 TT 而且可能是我心里作用吧 自从把项链给弄丢后 好像就有好多不如意的事情发生 吓死宝宝了 不过最重要的是婆婆出院没事了 谢谢老天保佑 真的好累 过完明天就和college说bye-bye了 加油呗 好期待去日本 那会是很隆重壮观的旅行啊 倒数倒数 就快到了!其实很担心明天的考试 根本记不了读了啥 ugh 今年就要过啦 太快了吧 不知不觉又一年了 想说今年也经历了不少事 留着给下个post写吧 不然我真的不会停 科科 好啦 加油加油 最后冲刺!哦 ps 话说今天有点伤心因为我网购的外套没有照片中美 明明就看不到是青色 而且也没有很高素质 可是价钱又不便宜 呜呜 真是蓝瘦 香菇.......

五月天 Just Rock It 2016

22.10.2016 | 大半夜突然兴致勃勃来update blog 因为我实在很想把这一刻的心情记录下来!

话说今天我去了五月天 Just Rock It 演唱会2016!我还记得2013我在电影院看了他们的3D电影, 没想到我今天竟然会有机会看他们现场表演 *哭* 


全场超high的,一直在喊,一直在唱,真的很像阿信说的 "现在是我们开演唱会还是你们啊?' 这是我第一场又累又超爽的演唱会!我还真希望他们真的会唱到天亮!其实这几天喉咙已经很痛了,但是今晚我豁出去了!真的真的真的很high high翻天,感觉整个吉隆坡都属于我们的 哈哈!还有超开心因为我终于可以看到我的怪兽!怪兽solo 超帅的 呜呜呜。

最后最后我要感谢一直陪在我身边的你。从看3D电影到现在一起看他们的演唱会,那么快就三年了,那感觉真的很奥妙。只想说,我很感激陪在我身边的人一直是你 :') 



 Just Rock It 吉隆坡站!!!

Official smart light stick! 全场自动变色实在是太酷了!

小插曲:我不小心听到坐我后面不知道official荧光棒会自动变色的粉丝说:“没办法,我们买的翻版10块钱,就是要自己manual变色。” 然后他们整场都在忙着变颜色哈哈哈好搞笑!



Beauty Has No Size

When the word “model” is mentioned, what are the things that first come into your mind? I’m pretty sure the answers will be tall, beautiful and most importantly, skinny. However, you might want to change your perception now because the word “model” is no longer only for the beautiful skinny model.

Dilyara Larina, a plus-sized model has opened an academy in Moscow where she teaches aspiring models everything they need to make it in the fashion industry. According to her, there are plus-size models in Russia but nobody wants to work in sharing knowledge and teaching how to become a plus-size model.

Yes, you heard me right, there is a modelling academy opened especially for the plus-sized ladies. I am really happy about the news because the plus-sized ladies get to achieve their dreams on being a fashion model. Besides, they are also going to prove that beauty has no restrictions on size.
I personally feel that every countries should have a plus-sized modelling academy. It definitely can help to clear the stereotypes of plus-sized community. By proving that plus-sized models can be as beautiful as other models, it is definitely a good start to change people’s view on them.

Isn’t it unfair for people to only display perfect body size of fashion mannequin in the malls? Isn’t it unfair to only let the skinny models represent all the ladies with different sizes in fashion world?

People tend to discriminate and underestimate plus-sized people. Why would people do that? Do you ever realize this? When you were a baby and used to be chubby, people would non-stop complimenting you. They would even fight with others to play with you, make you smile and kiss your cheek. But as you growing up into an adult, when you are not that skinny and thin, people start to discriminate you and even avoid you. Isn’t it funny that we are allowed to be chubby when we’re small but not when we are all grown up?

I remember one of my tutors once asked us a question. “Most of us have tummy, most of us are not as skinny as the model in the advertisement and it is absolutely normal. But why do our society expect us to be that particular size despite majority of us are not?”

This made me think. Is it human nature or who shaped us to say that skinny is equivalent to beautiful? Who is the one exactly creating the perception and definition of beauty? Who taught us to envy that “hot” model’s body but look away when it comes to a photo of a plus-sized model?

The answers are us, us and us. We always blame the society but really? Who are the society? The truth is we are the society, each of us form a society together. Think about it, if we are so powerful to influence everyone to define what is beautiful, aren’t we also powerful enough to change the negative mindset about plus-sized people?

I’m not saying that it’s not okay to be skinny. Everyone is born with different body. Some may born to be skinny and they will still stay skinny no matter how much they eat. Some may born to be a little chubby and they might still stay chubby no matter how less they eat. Also, it's not wrong for those who want to work hard for the body shape they desire.

What I’m trying to say is do not let size defines you. It does not mean that you’re incapable to do anything if you are “fat”.  At the same time, do not discriminate and stereotype plus-sized people. Small size or big size, we are all still the same species of living thing in the Earth after all. 

As cheesy as it sounds, you are beautiful just the way you are. I just want you to know that beauty has no size and so does career. Everyone is equal and we shall not limit others’ opportunities, options purely judging based on their size.

Again, I am really happy to hear about the news. Quoting from Dilyara Larina, the founder of plus-sized modelling academy in Moscow, “I really want to inspire my man, my friends, just people around me to the fact that a full figures woman can be beautiful, desirable and sexy.”

With the existence of plus-sized fashion models, I guess we can now call the fashion world a fair world. While the skinny models represent the skinny ladies, plus-sized models represent the full-figured ladies in the fashion world. I am looking forward to see the plus-sized models shine on the runway as bright as the other models!

Final reminder, don’t let size defines you and don’t define others by their size. 
(Photo from








Colour My Heart Run 2015

24.5.2015 ; Thursday

Yesh! I joined color run like finally! Hmm so this was not the real color run, it's called "Colour My Heart Run" by Great Eastern and The Heart Foundation of Malaysia. It was held in Dataran Merdeka. Yes, I've always wanted to join Color Run since the day I saw my cousin posted photos about it in Singapore. It was like few years ago! From that day onward, I always keep my eye on this event. Finally, they had it in KL last year for the very first time. I was so so so excited and started to ask (beg) my friends to join together. Sadly, most of them were not free and said that the fees was too expensive! Yea, 75 bucks, it's kinda expensive for a run. So yea, I was so so so so so sad that time. People might think that I'm overreacting but the fact is they dunno how much and how long I had wished to join it! :( Thinking about it now, I should've just went myself hahaha! Okay too much. Look, I missed it and now I finally have another chance to join a similar event, with 45 bucks! I guess life is fair. Hahaha. Original or not, it was still fun! Let's the photo do the talking! 

My partners for the day, ying & yong! 
This is our super clean face and super white shirt before the run.
Oh yes, they do provide us sunglasses and cute face masks.
How cute are the face masks? Keep scrolling down to find out heh.

Check out my mask! I was like :O, opening my mouth all the way. 
p/s: I look like chipmunk in third pic, don't you think so?

We got a pack of color powder each at the starting point and people just started to splash it.
There were few color stations along the route. Each station had loads of color powder!
I saw people "restocking" their powder by filling it into bottles, platic bags, big plsstic bags and etc!
We did not have any container with us so I suddenly just thought of using our shirts. 
Successfully influenced my friends. Smart right! Hashtag kiasu hashtag kiasuness hahahaha.

Selfie in one of the color station.

Was trying to get a selfie but kena color attack by random strangers pulak!
HAHAHAHA but this photo is still cook right.

Take two yay a successful one. Love love this photo.
Spot the yellow man!

While waiting to get our medals in the finishing line.
Look at all these colorful humans!

Just a random selfie with strangers at the finishing line.
The easiest way to make new friends is to......take your camera out and selfie! Ha!
 Excuse my teeth. I look like a monster!
Cool? I think my selfie skillz level up already!

Taaaadaaa! Our final look!
My color looks so horrible, I think it's because of my greediness. 
I mixed all the colors together and turned out like that omg.

More selfies, non-stop selfies, selfies are important.

New hair color fashion guysssss.
So beautiful but so dry at the same time uhh ohh.

Side profile *wink wink*
Can join in Avatar family?

My photo idea wooohooo. 
So beautiful I love it and of course I love the people in it too xoxo

Got to print our photos out for free weeeee.
So unexpected, thank you Great Eastern!
#happykid #ilovephotos #yay

Bumped into Kang En, sohseng and Nicole.

We literally just made the city colorful.
While on our way back to ktm station, I saw cleaners were cleaning the roads with big hose.
Honestly, I felt so guilty.
It was like we were having fun and making others suffer omg.
Ahhhhhh I just hope it will rain heavily soon to wash off the colors huhu.

 Overall, it was still a fun day. Thank you so much for experiencing this together with me 
Anyway, I would still like to join The Color Run this year! Ha!

p/s : The color powder is so hard to wash off.
 I still have color stains on my body and face omg.
Regret for not cleaning up a little right after the run!

And yes, time to wash car. 

First Art Gallery Visit

16.5.2015 ; Saturday

Happy Teachers' Day to all the teachers, tutors and lecturers! Today is my first time visiting an art gallery. I was so excited as I've always wanted to visit art gallery and yes dream came true! We went with Ms Su for Media Criticism class. The exhibition is named as "LAGI-LAGI GILA-GILA". I've got to know that GILA-GILA is a national humour magazine that was first published on 1978. The exhibition showcase over 500 artworks by our local cartoonists. Hmmm sound interesting! So I went in like a curios kid and tried to understand the comics, illustrations etc. Some were really interesting and some were just too deep for me haha! I supposed every piece of artwork has its own meaning behind. It's just that I can't get it, ish I'm not deep enough hahaha. Besides, I realize something too! I found myself had a little hard time to read Malay omg it had been so long since I last read and written in Malay. I need to take some time to process in my brain to understand oh nooooooooo time to brush up maybe. Someone please speak Malay to me! On the side note, their drawing and illustrations are really nice! *respect*

Ok enough of my blah blah story. Let's take a look at some interesting pieces I found!

Ketupat! True isn't it?

Not sure if we have to be bodoh but I found "bila terlampau pandai, kita akan sesak nafas" is kinda funny! 

Yes you all, don't forget to SENYUM SELALU! :D

Yes, time for some pictures of me and friends. 
Why read comics book when you can read comics on wall? *trying to be artistic ha*

Resting on comfy chair when our mind were exhausted (or lazy).

From right to left : 
Thinking about life - Trying to understand that piece of art be like - Hmm interesting! - What? smile to camera is more important! - Don't care, peace first! 

Fun in gallery! 
Like this because Suyi is flying and I dunno why I just laugh whenever I see her in this photo HAHAHAHA.

Never expect that we'll get postcards from them after filling up a feedback form.
I have a thing for postcards! Love love love postcards!!  #happykid

That's it, end of gallery trip. We went to have lunch in Petaling Street yumm.
Hmmm I really love art but I'm not good in art. Sad.
Maybe I can turn it to appreciate arts from all the creative minds! 
Conclusion, I would still like to visit art gallery again! 

Pay a visit to LAGI-LAGI GILA GILA if you're interested! 
Admission is free!

Level 3, Suria KLCC
Tuesday - Sunday | 10am - 8pm
(Until 15 July 2015)

是啊,又是一篇华文篇。本来应该忙着做功课,可是实在压抑不了我的情绪,所以就来这发泄一番吧。实在不晓得我本来就是这样,还是最近开始我超眼浅的. 我已经到了那种明明吃着东西,明明只是坐着发呆,明明只是做些东西,我都可以突然眼泪想流的境界.我真的不明白为什么会这样. 其实我真的不懂是什么令我这样.我就....突然想哭. 我真的不知道我在写什么了.我真的不懂. 是因为我得不到我要的东西吗,是因为我一次又一次的失败吗,是因为到处都有你的痕迹我面对不了吗? 我很想快乐,可是我不快乐。我找不回那种快乐。我找不回第一次买到电话的快乐,我找不回第一次得到IPAD的快乐,我找不回第一次买到相机的快乐,我找不回和朋友见面的快乐,我找不回和朋友聊天的快乐,我找不回我终于会驾车的快乐,我找不回当初的快乐。是我变了吗?我真得不懂我是怎么了。只感觉自己很堕落,只感觉在人面前就笑,自己一个人就忍不住想哭。没有意义了。为什么我感觉曾经一起做的东西,现在我一个人做,没意义了,就真的没意义了。我感觉自己越来越放不开了。时间越久,我越是觉得自己能吗,其实自己适合吗?有时我真的不是要拿自己和人比较,只是当他们在时,我真的变得好没信心,我真的做不好。我不是要怪谁,我知道只能怪我自己。可是我真的不知道,我真的不知道为什么我会变成这样。我真的没有一点好,就只会哭。在人面前跌倒,我就自己站起来。当我一个人跌倒,我就哭了一大轮才舍得站起来,站起来时又是自己一个人哭。我以为我很潇洒,原来一点都不。我以为自己很乐观,原来深低处一直没信心。我以为自己拿得起放得下,原来一直都放不下。我以为自己安慰自己,自己鼓励自己就没事了,原来不是的。我是习惯一个人啃,我是习惯一个人背,可是原来我会累的,原来我真的会累的。我以为自己可以掌控情绪,可是原来一直都是情绪在掌控我。我以为我找东西填满时间就可以麻醉自己,可是原来我麻醉不了。我以为多和其他人一起可以让我暂时忘记伤心的事,可是原来到最后我还是要一个人面对。我以为我变得勇敢了,可是原来我一点都不勇敢。我累了,我累了要一直压抑着,我累了要一直想起伤痛的回忆。我累了要一直想人家怎么想我。我累了要一直在乎别人的眼光。我真的累了。我不知道这次自己要怎样爬回起来。感觉自己掉在一个深坑,抬头看是看到有出口,可是无论我再怎么喊,原来都没人听到,原来都没人救我一把。我真的受不了。受不了自己的脑一直想,受不了我的心一直痛。我真的不懂该怎么办。这样的我会持续到几时。想倾诉但我开不了口,也不懂自己在想什么。想有个依靠,可是不一样了没意义了。几时才会流完所有的眼泪,几时才会承受完所有的痛。感觉自己很傻很蠢。我不知道我还在执着什么,我不知道我还在期盼什么。我要什么时候才能明白失去了就回不来了?我真的好累,好累。我一点都不快乐,不快乐。

有一个地方 只有我们知道

13/2/2015 ; Friday


首先首先我想说Dr Novac和兰心很简单的爱情,却感动到了我。感动我的是他真的遵守了他的诺言。他说他会等她,会在那里等她,他还真的就一直每天都在那里等她,日复一日,年复一年,等到自己老去,还在等,一直等到自己离开这个世界。感动可是想想,现在这个世界还会有这样的人吗,还会有人真的遵守自己对爱的人许下的承诺吗?我没资格说什么,因为我猜我自己也有没遵守到的诺言。更心痛的是,当你知道曾经对你许下承诺的人,现在已经完全忘记了。虽然兰心和 Dr Novac 没在一起,但是我觉得兰心是幸福的。因为至少她一直在想念的人,也在想着她,从来都没忘过她。是不是幸福过一厢情愿咧哈哈。



我自己对这句话的了解是,爱情一开始是开水,那么就是热恋,很激情很 passionate, 可是爱情总会慢慢变得淡些,比较平凡些,那就是凉了的水。那么当最后水结冰了,就是爱人变成了仇人。那我思考了下,自己做出了个结论,当变成冰水时,要么你待它慢慢溶掉,要么你就狠狠地打破那冰。慢慢溶掉的意思就是你让时间慢慢冲淡,而你狠狠地打破那冰,那就代表最终双方都会受伤,一切都破碎了。可是你别忘记冰被打碎后还会融成水。其实到头来还不是一句,时间可以冲淡一切。当然我不希望看到哪对恋人最后结冰哦!

金天还说了一句 “如果我身边的人始终要离开我,我宁愿一辈子都没有拥有过....”
一开始我是超赞同这句话的。因为回忆很痛,失去更痛。猜你也听过一句当你在拥有的同时,你也在失去着。王菲也唱过,相聚离开都有时候,没有什么是永垂不朽。可是转个角度想,你真的宁愿什么都没拥有过,也不要至少你曾经有美好的回忆吗?我知道再美好再甜蜜的回忆,到一天那回忆里的人不在了,离开你了,你再回忆起时,一定很不是滋味,一定很痛,你一定很想狠狠的把它们都给忘了。可是你要记得,至少那一刻你是开心的,你是幸福的,那就够了。相信我,总有一天,你会以你那些曾经很美好而现在很痛的回忆感到骄傲。因为总有一天,你会熬过的。就像金天到最后遇到了泽阳。当然我知道这是电影,可能真实生活就难多了哈哈哈哈哈。可是只要我们活着,我们就会有希望,不是吗?(: 哎哟,怎么觉得自己作一大篇好像在安慰自己。


『泽阳 :我不知道能给你什么样的生活,可是如果你愿意留下来...我会做饭,我还比较会照顾人,我能养活我自己,也许,我也可以养你,虽然我不知道将来要做什么,可是如果你愿意...
金天 :讨厌讨厌真的讨厌死了,你就只会煮鸡蛋,炒鸡蛋,蒸鸡蛋,煎鸡蛋,噢,对了,还有炸鸡蛋... 』



“ 我们都以为永远会很远,其实它可能短暂得连我们都看不见。”

说得好,所以真的真的真的请记得要好好珍惜你身边的人。:') 我就是一个永远都是失去时才懂得要去珍惜的人。不要像我那样,唉。




这样子单方面的守候 还能多久
虽然你还握着我的手 但我已不在你心中
我真的懂 你不是喜新厌旧
是我 没有 陪在你身边当你寂寞的时候
别再看着我说着你爱过 别太伤痛

我不难过 这不算什么
就让我走 让我开始享受自由
回忆很多 你的影子也会充满我生活
我并不懦弱 你比谁都懂
虽然寂寞 这会是我 最后的宽容

虽然你还握着我的手 但我已不在你心中
我真的懂 你不是喜新厌旧
是我 没有 陪在你身边当你寂寞时候
别再看着我说你爱过 别太伤痛
我不难过 这不算什么

就让我走 让我开始享受自由
回忆很多 你的影子也会充满我生活
我并不不懦弱 你比谁都懂
虽然寂寞 这会是我 最后的宽容

抱紧我 再抱紧我
这一份感动 请你让我留在胸口

别再说 是你的错
爱到了尽头 是非对错
就让它随风 忘了所有 过得比你快活

真的懂 你不是喜新厌旧
是我 没有陪在你身边当你寂寞时候
别再看着我说着你爱过 别太伤痛
我不难过 这不算什么

现在分手 总好过你不爱我一拖再拖
松开你的手 离开你左右
我向前走 这会是我 真正的解脱








那天最后相遇 就不要对我那样












如今我的厚脸皮 我的低头










能怪谁 只能怪自己愿意跳入那坑

头破血流了 又能怪谁

我不怪你 那是假的




说做就做 说做就真的可以做

不 可 以

你容易 我也说得容易

但你不懂 我不能一辈子自欺欺人

这把刀子刺痛了我 痛得干脆又利落

我没那么坚强 可是习惯了坚强

倒了没人扶 伤了没人疼

痛了没人管 死了没人问

尽管多么挣扎 尽管多么痛苦

我 仍会博取那一丝氧气。


我也不再厚脸皮 不再阻止你幸福

谢谢你留了 这么多东西回忆给我




可是那些好也治不了 我现在的不好




不保留 也不愿回味。

2014 Tang Yuan

30.12.2014 ; Tuesday

Winter Solstice is over but it's never too late for Tang Yuan right? We actually had packaged Tang Yuan on the 22th but we still wanna make it ourselves so yeaaaaa. I am really very Chinese lah. I get very excited whenever it's a Traditional Chinese Festival including Winter Solstice!

Happy Winter Solstice ! 冬至快乐!

Had fun making these balls with sis while mom sitting beside us and PLAYING PHONE last last night.
What had technology done to my mom hahaha.
We were like exchanging roles, daughters do stuff while mom plays phone omg.
Love the colours, Spot my taro ball! 

Mom prepared the soup and I cook it today.
I'm so touched that they turned out well.
Tbh our tang yuan always look ugly, no joke!
That's why I must blog them to celebrate ehehe.

Yep, we added peanut inside but abit tasteless tho.
Lesson learnt, I'm sure next year our tang yuan will improve again!
Hooohooooooo time to eat all da balls and write another post.

p/s : Gonna update more time scheduled posts soooooooon. Ready for the spam! 

Lady finger X Spaghetti?

30.9.2014 ; Tuesday

Lunch with friends at Fuwa-Fuwa today during our break. Not a good meal because the food I ordered is extremely salty. Furthermore, another friend of mine ordered the same thing but hers and mine are so big difference. Reflected this matter to the manager (I think). But whatever, I don't think I am going to have spaghetti here anymore. Maybe other food....

Didn't know this is considered as watery until I saw my friend's plate.

Took a little piece of lady finger from my friend's mixed rice.
 I wonder why there is no one ever mix in lady finger to spaghetti.
Maybe it's not western?
I think we can try eating lady finger with spaghetti.
Who knows they really make good combo!
Perhaps a Malaysia style spaghetti?
Sounds good though.
I think we all need to try something new and 

Forget what was done before.

Another Way of Eating Roasted Cuttlefish

 29.9.2014 ; Monday

I like this snack since I am small. Err roasted cuttlefish? Hard to chew but still I laphhh it! Okok it's like every food I mentioned is my fav food. Yuppp I like most of the food cuz I am not a picky eater teeeheeee,

How do we eat this besides just stuffing it into your mouth?

Dip it into Rojak sauce!

Boring? Let's make a wrap then!
Place a cucumber on top, you can just eat it like that


Add some Rojak sauce on it!
Hmmmm feel so refreshing when biting into the cucumber.
It's nice that once I tried eating in this way, my mother immediately follow me haha.

Besides cucumber, I tried with jicama too!

Seriously, I think I fell in love eating roasted cuttlefish with Rojak sauce.
I want more! Definitely stocking up this snack for more rojak session. 
Taaadaaaa a new way of eating Rojak. 
Rojak sauce is just like tomato sauce, chili sauce etc.
We can always choose to dip whatever into it!

Be Free.